Friday, August 19, 2011


If you're a compassionate, caring person you will object to unelected, unappointed Grover Norquist telling you how to vote, what to vote for and most likely shun this billionaire republican activist's opinions! However, not some republican and tea party members. They walk in locked step since they appear to be incapable of making their own decisios as they represent their constitutuency that elected them!

If you condone Grover Norquist's generously offered opinions then those robot republicans and tea party members say don't feed hungry children but, on the other hand, do not let democrats kill any Corporate Welfare costs estimated $500,000,000,000 (BILLION) cost to American taxpayers' per year! According to Norquist this is not "waste" but needed to grow market! The fewl corporate management taxpayers are the only ones benefiting from corporate welfare waste! If you see nothing wrong with this picture you desereve Grover Norquist as your pal.

You have a chance November 2011 to agree with Grover Norquist or not---by voting republican or democrat! Voting for republican presidential candidates guarantees only cuts in "people programs" affecting middle and poor class Americans and nothing will be done to corporate America and feds tax base will remain skewed to shower vulgar amount of tax dollars to corporations!

A new program, passsed by Congress & signed into law late last year, will giveevery student in qualifying school districts two free meals and a snack five days a week.

That's all students, including those who don't now qualify for the $16 Billion dollar free or reduced-price meals.

In 2011 America there are more children hungry and living on the 'streets' than ever before in American history. In American schools all over the land when Friday rolls around teachers call it "back pack day" when they fill back packs to give to children to take home so they will have food over the weekend. Otherwise, they'd go hungry! What American knowing this would not want to volunteer to help school teachers fill those back packs? Would you believe some Americans think federal dollars used to feed hungry children is a "waste"? This is the "new America"---broke and hungry and some people place money over hungry children!!!!

Michigan, Illinois and Kentucky invited to participate in a pilot of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Community Eligibility Option Program.

By 2014, the $4.5 Billion program is expected to go nationwide.

Steven Wasko, DPS spokesman, says the program will streamline the district's meal program by cutting down on paperwork that parents have to fill out. Plus, it will save DPS the $1.9 million a year it spent on a "guest meal" service for students who forgot lunch money.

Eligible districts or schools must have at least 40 percent of their students already receiving free meals, based on their parents' income. A family of four must have an income under $29,000. Districts with less than 63 percentof their students qualifying for free lunches would have to contribute toward the cost, but the federal government will reimburse everything else.

The program is part of the $4.5 billion over 10 years Healthy Hunger- Free Kids Act, which aims to boost healthy eating and reduce hunger around the country. This was a reauthorization passed by Congress of child nutrition bill funding free and reduced-price meals for students.

In Michigan students use an electronic card — much like the Bridge Card — to pay for their meals.

Last year, Michigan's free & reduced lunch program cost federal government $338 million while state of Michigan contributed $30 million.

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Bill Huff opinion

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